I have been able to connect with my teammate who will be going to Rome with me and get some more info on what it will look like for the eight weeks that we are there.
We will be working with a GEM missionary couple who is stationed in Rome and just started Chiesa Cristiana Vittoria (Victory Christian Church in English) in September in Frascati, Italy. It is the first evangelical church in the city and has about 12-13 members all of who are new believers. They currently meet in a house but are looking into buildings in the area. My teammate, Autumn, and I will be helping out wherever they need it and spending a lot of time out in the community building relationships with the people and inviting them to events at the church.
I will have a meeting with the missionaries next week and will probably get some more information then as well but for now, this is what I know, and am super excited to see what God will do this summer! He has already provided for 37% of the cost of the trip in a week and a half which is crazy! Thank you so much for all of your support and prayers!