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Italy Week 3

Writer: Kaitlyn HalleckKaitlyn Halleck

Updated: Jul 7, 2024

My time in Italy is almost halfway done; I can't believe it. In some ways, it seems like we just got here, but in others, it seems like we've been here for months already!

We have officially met all four of the families serving in Rome with Greater Europe Mission and have had great conversations about what missions look like in Italy and see a little of what they do on a day-to-day basis. It's been great to be able to see from different perspectives and different approaches to missions, how great God is and all the things He's been doing in Italy.

Things are still going well in Frascati! We've been continuing with the Bible study, helping out with the church, and starting to take on some more projects working with design and technology. Hopefully, by the end of summer, the church will have updated printouts, new tech programs to use during the services, and a new website to accompany the new building. We spent a morning this week learning about Saint Filippo Neri who was a priest in the 16th century who didn't conform to the catholic church and spent his life sharing the love of Jesus with the people in Rome. It was cool to see how God used his life to reach so many. On Friday, we went to a Cappella di S. Filippo Neri which is a chapel where he had spent some of his time before going into Rome. This chapel is in a crevice of a mountain that (according to legend) was one of the mountains that split when Jesus died on the cross. **Matt. 27:51 "And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split." Not sure how accurate the legend is, but if so, that's pretty cool!


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