Things have calmed down a little since the first week here. We’ve been able to get into a routine of church work and going out with the missionaries. This week, we’ve been in Rome 3 days and have been able to do a little bit of the touristy thing (some of which are scheduled by our team to learn some of the culture and history), shadow another missionary family to see how they do things, pray with some refugees in a park in Rome, and have our check-in meeting to make sure everything is going smoothly. In Frascati, we’ve been able to participate in their Bible study, help out with whatever they need for church on Sundays, and start building relationships with the people we see consistently. The renovations on the new church building started this week which is very exciting! We are hoping church will be able to be held in the new building before the end of the summer. God has already provided 25% of the funds needed for it in less than a month which is crazy! He’s doing cool things in Frascati!
For our touristy things, we’ve done the Roman Forum and the Basilica of San Giovanni. Both are very cool sites. The basilica was beautiful in the decoration and arts but very heavy in Catholic ideas. I could’ve spent a full day at the Forum; it was so cool to see the ruins and read about what temples were there and the architecture they’d uncovered.